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News in brief, January 27, 2006

Federal Government seeks tenders on employer advice service for Work Choices; Appeal court decision a warning on employers to be honest with employees facing redundancy or dismissal; and meat processor justified in standing down worker who fell ill on returning from surgery, says tribunal.

Fair Pay Commission can’t ignore state wage case rulings, says Harper

Fair Pay Commission chair Ian Harper says he won’t be able to ignore any state wage case decisions handed down before his institution's first minimum rates determination in Spring, while he won't rule out the possibility of the AFPC making submissions in its own right to state wage benches.

WA wage claim before five-member bench on Monday

A five-member bench of the WA IRC, sitting in Court session, will on Monday hear preliminary arguments in Unions WA's application for a general wage increase of 4% for state award workers.

New research says unfair dismissal changes will create only 6,000 jobs

The abolition of unfair dismissal protections for workers in businesses with fewer than 100 employees under the Work Choices Act is likely to generate about 6,000 jobs - well short of the 77,000 claimed by the Federal Government, according to new research.

CPI up 2.8% annually, but just 0.5% in December quarter

Despite the highest wages growth in seven years, inflation has edged down to just 2.8% annually, after a modest 0.5% rise in the December quarter, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Unions won't be represented in award "slash and burn" process: Combet

ACTU secretary Greg Combet has condemned the award rationalisation process as a "slash and burn process", criticised the absence of any women on the rationalisation taskforce's reference group, and expressed confidence in Tony Slevin, the sole remaining reference group member with a union background after Monday's appointment debacle.

News in brief, January 24, 2006

Architect of IR change in education sector moves to Defence in Coalition ministerial reshuffle; Labor IR Taskforce to start consultations in Tasmania; and Up to eight weeks paid parental leave for Hudson employees.