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NSW IRC approves key element of unions' Secure Employment Test Case

The NSW IRC has today established a new right for regular casuals to convert to permanent employment, which will trigger a rush to insert the new standard into State awards before the Work Choices Act is due to take effect late this month.


The news briefs published last night by Workplace Express inadvertently referred to Peter Ballard as a union delegate refused compensation after being dismissed. This was incorrect and has been amended.

WA railway builder enforces life-of-project s127 order

The Leighton Kumagai Joint Venture will pursue penalties and damages against the CFMEU, after winning a Supreme Court injunction stopping the union from encouraging further strike action on the underground section of the Perth-Mandurah railway project.

News in brief, February 27, 2006

No Work Choices Regulations until second half of March; NAB deal certified before Work Choices kicks in; and Federal Court refuses claim for non-economic loss for sacked shop steward.

Don't settle for representation rights, UK expert warns unions

Australian unions seeking an alternative regime to the Work Choices Act should not settle only for new representation rights, but seek regulated access to industry-wide bargaining, according to a British academic expert.

AMWU unhappy with Bosch deal, in early days of Campaign 2006

The AMWU is considering appealing against the certification of one of the first agreements struck in the Campaign 2006 manufacturing industry bargaining round, maintaining that the employer - Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd - didn't follow proper process.

Bracks Government, CPSU reach go-early deal for public servants

The CPSU and the Victorian Government have struck a new deal for the state's 28,000 public sector employees 19 months ahead of their old agreement expiring - a move prompted primarily by legal advice that last year's Federal Court Commsec decision threatened the enforceability of the 2004 deal.