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ACCI's four-level wage classification plan ignites union fury

An ACCI proposal to use the upcoming wages and classifications review to collapse existing pay structures to four minimum levels has provoked ACTU demands that the federal government reject it because it will cut workers' pay and discourage skills development.

Herbert joins award review reference group

Queensland barrister Andrew Herbert has been appointed to replace the AWU's David Cragg on the Award Review Taskforce reference group, which has its first meeting in Canberra tomorrow.

High Court nominates May for IR challenge

The High Court has provisionally set aside five days in May to hear the states' constitutional challenge to the Federal Government's new IR laws.

News in brief, February 7, 2006

Unions NSW files High Court challenge to Work Choices; Submissions close Friday for inquiry into jobs in car parts manufacturing; FSU tries to revive works councils debate; Victorian Government starts registering labour hire companies; and Make child care tax-exempt, says Deloitte.

Andrews again puts off meeting with state IR ministers

It's Groundhog Day for state IR ministers, with federal Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews again notifying them that he won't be attending the next scheduled Workplace Relations Ministerial Council meeting.

News in brief, February 6, 2006

Work Choices constitutional challenge before High Court on Wednesday, AWU Queensland branch to join; Queensland IRC reserves decision on Howard Government's bid to delay State Wage Case; Victorian union officials line up for federal ALP pre-selections; and Victorian Police demand $100-a-day compensation for Commonwealth Games.