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Work Choices to take effect March 27; Regulations released

The remainder of the Work Choices amendments to the Workplace Relations Act will take effect from March 27, while Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews today released the Regulations for the new IR laws.

Qantas pilots launch Federal Court action over Jetstar

The escalating tension between Qantas and its pilots over the expansion of the low-cost Jetstar subsidiary reached the Federal Court today, with the pilots arguing that the decision by Qantas to transfer four long-haul aircraft but not their air crews to Jetstar was unlawful.

News in brief, March 17, 2006

No IR joy for Howard in Tasmania; Union membership stable in US; and Remuneration Tribunal determines AFPC chair Harper's pay.

Fair Pay Commission to put brake on wage growth for low-paid: Giudice

The President of the AIRC, Justice Geoffrey Giudice, has warned that welfare payments might have to be cut to provide an incentive to work under Work Choices, as employees without bargaining power lose existing protections and the new Fair Pay Commission slows the growth in minimum wages. He also said the new IR laws might need amending to both strengthen bargaining rights and water down excessively-complex rules for authorising protected action.

IR hitting the headlines, as SA goes to the polls

IR has become one of the dominant issues in the South Australian election, with the Rann Government highlighting its opposition to the Federal Government's Work Choices legislation as one of the key differences between the parties ahead of tomorrow's vote.

News in brief, March 15, 2006

SA employers have 27 days to apply for exemption to minimum wage; Esso Bass Strait agreements confirm 7-day rosters; Unions plan mass rally against Work Choices on June 28; AMA steps up pressure over Work Choices medical certificates; Women lift union density in the UK; and UK discrimination laws remove redundancy age limit.

DEST employees win school holiday care assistance

The Department of Education, Science and Training's 1,800 employees will have access to $100 a week of school holiday child care assistance, while new processes will be introduced to address poorly performing workers, under the organisation's new agreement with the CPSU and MEAA.