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News in brief, March 15, 2006

SA employers have 27 days to apply for exemption to minimum wage; Esso Bass Strait agreements confirm 7-day rosters; Unions plan mass rally against Work Choices on June 28; AMA steps up pressure over Work Choices medical certificates; Women lift union density in the UK; and UK discrimination laws remove redundancy age limit.

DEST employees win school holiday care assistance

The Department of Education, Science and Training's 1,800 employees will have access to $100 a week of school holiday child care assistance, while new processes will be introduced to address poorly performing workers, under the organisation's new agreement with the CPSU and MEAA.

Workers facing fines as DEWR initiates action

Seventy-two maintenance workers who took industrial action at a Central Queensland mine last year over what they claimed were appalling camp conditions are facing fines of up to $18,000 each under Federal Court proceedings initiated by DEWR.

ACT teachers walk off the job

ACT public school and TAFE teachers held a half-day stopwork today in a bid to break the deadlock in the AEU's long-running pay dispute with the Territory Government.

News in brief, March 13, 2006

AMA says Work Choices medical certificate provisions are flawed; Bird flu could see 60% of workforce absent for up to four weeks: Mercer report; and ACTU calls for inquiry into skilled visa program.

Howard Government stumps up $27m for workplace change in higher education

The Howard Government's $83m funding over three years to encourage workplace change in higher education won't focus on key items on the Government's IR agenda - such as fostering direct relationships with employees - until the second and third years of the program.

ABCC wins injunction against CFMEU

The Australian Building & Construction Commission has won its first interlocutory injunction, with the Federal Court restraining the CFMEU from picketing and other conduct that has allegedly stopped the erection of a crane at a building site in the Melbourne suburb of Heidelberg.

State Governments look at ways to build shields against Work Choices

Western Australia is considering following NSW in introducing legislation aimed at shielding state public sector employees from Work Choices, while the other Labor states are also investigating the most appropriate protections from the new IR regime.