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Cowra Abattoir goes into liquidation amid claims of unlawful conduct

Employee creditors of Cowra Abattoir - the slaughterhouse at the centre of a public controversy over Work Choices' impact on corporate restructurings - today voted to send the business into liquidation after administrators found its director might have breached the corporations laws.

CFMEU escapes penalty over strike pay

The Federal Court has today thrown out the ABCC's first bid to impose penalties on a union for forcing an employer to pay workers for time on strike.

New appointments to federal courts

The Howard Government has appointed three practitioners with strong IR backgrounds to the Federal and Federal Magistrates courts.

News in brief, September 8, 2006

Unlawful termination legal funding details available; 2007 work and family award nominations close in November; Protected action triggers month lockout at Radio Rentals; LHMU seeks Victoria-wide agreement for Chubb security guards; and NSW to legislate workers compensation sacking protections.

Costs too high, benefits too low of guest workers scheme

Using Pacific Islanders as guest workers in Australia would have negligible impact on the Pacific region, but could have high economic and social costs at home, a Centre for Independent Studies paper maintains.

Employer fails to make out operational reasons test

An employer facing two unfair dismissal claims has failed to make out a "genuine operational reasons" argument, with the AIRC holding that "a mere assertion" that a termination is for operational reasons "is not sufficient".

News in brief, September 7, 2006

AIRC HQ move only a fortnight away; Jurisdictional test case in WA next week;
OWS says 61 Canberra restaurants breached law; recovers $136,000; and Heinemann maintains its hours claim goes no further than award.

Woman who lost job-share position wins compensation

A pregnant woman who lost her job-share position as a registrar at a Queensland private school after management decided the arrangement wasn't working and made the job full-time again has won a $47,250 payout.