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State-registered union fails to escape s496 order: AIRC

The TWU's NSW branch has lost an application to stay the AIRC's first order against industrial action under Work Choices, in a case that affirms the new law’s power over state-registered unions.

First OWS prosecution in court next month

The Federal Magistrates Court will hear the Office of Workplace Services' prosecution of Canberra restaurant Pangaea on June 19 and 20 in Canberra.

Nose stud ban was reasonable, says AIRC

Woolworths was entitled to ban a long-serving employee from wearing a nose stud at work, despite failing to enforce its policy for a decade, an AIRC full bench has found today.

ABL advising employers to blame the Government, says ACTU

The ACTU claims ABL State Chamber is advising its members to blame the Howard Government if Work Choices forces them to make unpopular changes in the workplace, but the employer organisation says the union peak body is wrong.

News in brief, April 28, 2006

Tasmanian IRC rebuffs Canberra bid to delay wage case; First AIRC listing of dismissal claim under Work Choices; Submissions close next month for NSW Work Choices inquiry; Former Ansett workers receive another payment; and NSW inquiry line getting thousands of Work Choices complaints: Della Bosca.