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Regulation of permit ships now depends on High Court challenge

A full bench of the AIRC has put to an end the maritime unions' long-running bid to get up federal award coverage of permit ships with foreign crew. Any chance of having pay and conditions on these vessels regulated under Australian law now rests with the unions' High Court challenge to a Work Choices regulation.

Triangle Cables relies on 100-employee exemption

The company at the centre of a test case on the new unfair dismissal rules under Work Choices today hit back at union claims against its sacking of nine machine operators on the day after the Act's commencement, saying the workers had no recourse because it had fewer than 100 employees.

News in brief, May 22, 2006

Child care AWAs cut pay and conditions, says Opposition; Lawrence tipped as Workplace Rights Advocate; No duress when AWA offered, says Federal Court; Papers sought for labour law conference; and OWS not referring callers to state authorities, say state IR ministers.