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We will be out there, OWS warns

The director of the beefed-up Office of Workplace Service has warned advisers to employers that they are in his sights, and has also made clear that the OWS will be sampling deals lodged with the OEA to ensure Work Choices requirements are met.

First AIRC decision on 30-day rule for taking industrial action

In its first ruling on Work Choices' requirement that protected industrial action be taken within 30 days of the secret vote authorising it, the AIRC has today rejected an employer's argument that a proposed 24-hour stoppage was unprotected because it was to begin more than 30 days after the ballot.

Lawyers identify Work Choices problem areas

The proliferation of side agreements plus confusion over both the 38-hour week and new record-keeping requirements are the problem areas emerging under Work Choices, a senior lawyer maintains.

Voluntary super top-ups to boost retirement savings for under-40s

New employees will automatically make a 3% personal contribution to their superannuation in addition to the 9% compulsory employer contribution, if the Howard Government accepts bipartisan recommendations tabled by a federal parliamentary committee today.

Smith acknowledges ALP will look at a federal system

It may be stating the obvious, but federal Shadow IR Minister Stephen Smith has acknowledged that "when the dust settles" on the States’ High Court challenge to Work Choices, it would "not be inappropriate" for the ALP to contemplate an IR system based on a federal model.