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$17 to $18 pay rise for SA award workers signals wages "hotchpotch"

The South Australian Industrial Relations Commission today ordered pay rises of $17 to $18 a week for the State's award workers - less than the $20 granted last month by the NSW and WA IRCs - in a decision that signals the end of uniform minimum wage fixing across Australia.

News in brief, July 4, 2006

Roxon writes to PM on O'Sullivan appointment; Spotlight AWAs get even worse, says ALP; Beazley billboards go up; How the AIRC's panels have changed; Australia Post discontinues company doctor appeal; and the AMWU says scrapping R&D program "unintelligent".

AWAs might breach discrimination laws, say lawyers

The Melbourne call centre that services German airline Lufthansa's customers could be breaching state and federal equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws by offering AWAs that reduce workers' pay if they use their sick or carer's leave, according to legal advice obtained by the ASU.

News in brief, July 3, 2006

Nursing home secret ballot case referred to conciliation; New remuneration and compensation limits for unfair dismissal claims; 4.4% rise for Fair Pay Commissioners; and new panels for AIRC.

News in brief, June 30, 2006

Union claims Australia Post had spies at rally; Work no holiday at Hayman Island, says AWU; and Andrews extends cyclone wages assistance.