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OWS scrambling to protect itself over TV ad probe: ACTU

The ACTU has savaged OWS summaries of its investigations of people involved in the unions' TV advertising campaign against Work Choices as "a disgrace" that lacks credibility, professionalism, reasonableness or fairness.

Target makes one of first big Work Choices deals in retail

Some 20,000 Target employees will receive a 3.8% annual pay rise under one of the first major union retail agreements struck under Work Choices, while the SDA has also now finalised deals with Super Cheap Auto and Ikea.

New approach to bargaining for CPSU

Faced with having to negotiate agreements under Work Choices for up to 80 agencies this year, the CPSU has beefed-up its bargaining resources and put in place a "core" bargaining claim to underpin its campaigns in the workplace.