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Hockey to back up Andrews to counter Work Choices "misinformation" campaign

In a tacit admission that the Government is struggling to convince the public of the merits of the Work Choices changes, Prime Minister John Howard has today appointed Human Services Minister Joe Hockey to help Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews to promote the legislation and counter the "misinformation" campaign by unions and Labor.

John Holland and WA CFMEU settle damages actions

John Holland Group has settled the Supreme Court claims for damages and penalties it brought against the CFMEU's WA branch last year and this year, with branch secretary Kevin Reynolds saying it "wasn't a large settlement as these things go".

News in brief, August 8, 2006

SA Unions says child labour laws needed; Vale Phillipa Weeks; Esso workers's safety concern was reasonable, says tribunal; Queensland IR minister to retire; and Tasmanian parliamentary committee to scrutinise Work Choices.

OWS back in political spotlight; FOI request denied on Work Choices

The OWS's investigation into the union movement's television ad campaign was again in the political spotlight today: ACTU secretary Greg Combet wrote to director Nick Wilson seeking an explanation as to how his office's report was leaked to the Daily Telegraph; Opposition Leader Kim Beazley referred to the OWS as "snivelling liars"; and the Prime Minister John Howard told a party room meeting that the Government needed to be more aggressive in attacking the "bodgy" claims the ACTU was making.

Freeze pay, say childcare providers

Private childcare providers have asked the Fair Pay Commission to provide no minimum pay increase in the sector because of recent substantial work value rises, while hospitality employers want a reduction in casual loading and say minimum wage workers have already received a substantial safety net rise via the tax cuts that took effect on July 1.

Bench says nursing union not pattern bargaining

An AIRC full bench has found that the ANF wasn't pattern bargaining against two Melbourne aged care facilities run by a single entity, in a decision that makes it clear that the way unions initiate bargaining periods will influence their prospects of having a secret ballot granted.