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News in brief, September 29, 2006

Federal Safety Commissioner’s construction industry guidance released; MUA accuses ABB of bringing in replacement non-union workforce; Silvestri v CFMEU case to be heard next month; and SA Government backs lawyers over unlawful termination funding.

Heinemann loses s496 application over union claim to protect entitlements

The company at the centre of a ground-breaking dispute over the payment of wages during industrial action has lost a s496 application, in an AIRC decision that clears the way for unions to take protected action for claims to guarantee employee entitlements, even if they are not included in the secret ballot authorisation.

News in brief, September 27, 2006

Inflation outstripping wages for first time in five years: ACTU; NSW OHS Bill still scheduled before year-end; and Regulations analyses available

AIRC terminates state and federal agreements

The AIRC has agreed to terminate a preserved state agreement covering two Brisbane private schools, meaning their employees' only safety net under Work Choices is the AFPC.