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News in brief, September 13, 2006

ABCC to appeal Federal Court decision on payment for industrial action; Noonan elected national secretary of CFMEU construction division; Worker loses one of first unfair dismissal cases decided under Work Choices; and AIRC releases fact sheet on how to apply for a dispute to be resolved.

Vague description and unlawful content douses UFU ballot bid

An AIRC full bench has overturned an order for a secret ballot, after finding the description of the proposed industrial action was too vague and meaningless and that the union was actively pursuing prohibited content in a common law deed.

AIRC retains the status quo in coverage order

The AWU in Queensland has successfully transferred to the federal sphere a state-based exclusive coverage arrangement - in the process excluding the federally registered CFMEU.

ABC unions preparing for industrial action

ABC unions will on Thursday seek support from members for a campaign of industrial action if they don't get a satisfactory response to a letter they sent yesterday to the organisation's new managing director, Mark Scott.

Hydro industrial action might threaten national grid sales

Hydro Tasmania is facing the prospect of 24-hour stoppages and a range of bans that could affect its lucrative sales into the national power grid, if some 200 CEPU members vote up industrial action in a strike ballot that closes next week.