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ACTU responds to "misrepresentation" on collective bargaining

ACTU secretary Greg Combet has clarified how the proposed new collective bargaining rights he outlined on Wednesday would work, while he says polling in marginal seats indicates strong support for the changes unions are seeking.

News in brief, September 14, 2006

$35 million assistance package follows Electrolux closures; Victoria police backpay bonanza; and Andrews endorses Greg Smith.

Commission can order worker to stay dry - even after work

The NSW IRC has wide discretion to make conditional reinstatement orders, even to the point of requiring an employee to abstain from alcohol during and after working hours and submit to a rigorous drug testing regime, a full bench has ruled.

News in brief, September 13, 2006

ABCC to appeal Federal Court decision on payment for industrial action; Noonan elected national secretary of CFMEU construction division; Worker loses one of first unfair dismissal cases decided under Work Choices; and AIRC releases fact sheet on how to apply for a dispute to be resolved.

Vague description and unlawful content douses UFU ballot bid

An AIRC full bench has overturned an order for a secret ballot, after finding the description of the proposed industrial action was too vague and meaningless and that the union was actively pursuing prohibited content in a common law deed.