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News in brief, October 31, 2006

OWS recovers $650,000 from Hunan Industrial; Bench overturns pornography dismissal reinstatement; AFPC nail in coffin for anti Work Choices campaign, says PM; Tim McDonald joins Joe Hockey's office; Cook leaves Clayton Utz for Minters; PSA moves with the times; and Debate to launch AIER in NSW.

News in brief, October 30, 2006

OWS recovers $93,000 from Aprint, prosecution to come; Discussions this week on flowing-on AFPC ruling to allowances; Safety net case for employees of unincorporated employers can now proceed; Government hypocritical on AFPC ruling, says Labor; NATSEM analysis shows "folly" of AFPC ruling, says ACCI; and Pocock’s new book looks at impact of work on children.

News in brief, October 27, 2006

Qualified support from teaching unions for Beazley standards-based pay proposal; Qantas maintenance workers vote up three-year deal; CFMEU television commercial misleading, says ABCC, but CFMEU demurs; Little change in workers' mobility, says ABS; and Concerts to encourage youth to enrol to vote, send message to Canberra on IR.

National rights and entitlements plus collective bargaining at heart of new union policy

The union movement's support for a national IR system based on the corporations power plus its new collective bargaining position are at the heart of its IR legislation policy - unanimously endorsed by ACTU Congress in Melbourne yesterday. But the 37-page document - which unions will lobby the ALP to adopt - also deals in detail with a raft of other key matters, including the AIRC's role, minimum standards, unfair dismissal, freedom of association, independent contractors, trade practices law, employee entitlement protection, and which government bodies should go and which should stay.