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WA IRC refuses bid to wait until High Court ruling on Work Choices

Western Australia's IRC has refused to adjourn a state unfair dismissal case pending the High Court's ruling on Work Choices, allowing a company to argue that the Commission has no jurisdiction to hear the matter under the new laws.

OWS wins orders for Merrington to make up unpaid wages

Optometry chain Australian Ophthalmic Supplies Pty Ltd (trading as Merringtons) will pay $17,565 in unpaid wages and $5,353 in interest to six current and former employees after consenting to orders in the Victorian Magistrates Court today.

Wages flow in oil industry collective deals - for now anyway, says AWU

The AWU and Caltex in Queensland will front the AIRC next week over the non payment of a wage increase linked to reducing operator numbers, but the union says bargaining in the oil industry this year has overall been straightforward and delivered annual wage increases of between 5% and 8%.

News in brief, October 13, 2006

CBA rules out offshoring, for time being; International recruitment firms subject to ALP's planned s457 visa crackdown; CFMEU, MUA fork out $600,000 for November 30 protests; new AIRC Registrar starts; and Mithen leaves AHRI.

AIRC rejects Government and Tyco bid to stop secret ballots for union strikes

An AIRC full bench today dismissed an appeal supported by the Federal Government against orders for a secret ballot for industrial action after finding that the union was genuinely trying to reach agreement and not seeking to include prohibited content in a proposed collective agreement.

News in brief, October 12, 2006

ACTU books Tullamarine billboard; Full-time employment reaches record level; and Vanstone on offensive over skilled migrants.

ABCC can prevent worker from choosing lawyer: Federal Court

The Federal Court has today ruled that the ABCC has the power to prevent a worker it has called before it from being represented by a lawyer of his choice, in a decision the CFMEU says shows how "draconian" the Government's construction industry legislation is.