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Star City workers collect 11%, plus bonus

Star City casino workers have voted up a new three-year agreement that guarantees an 11% pay increase and introduces a bonus system that provides $1,250 more if customer satisfaction targets are met.

News in brief, October 19, 2006

OWS prosecutes hotels for duress over AWAs and underpayment; 65,000 new entrants needed to stop skills shortage in restaurants, says RCA; and Work safety award winners.

ACTU highlights 14-year-olds on AWAs, while AWA numbers climb under Work Choices

The ACTU has described as "disturbing" new data from the OEA showing that nearly 600 14-year-olds have signed AWAs over a 10 month period, while separate OEA statistics reveal that a total of 129,678 AWAs have been lodged under Work Choices and employer greenfields agreements have climbed to 218.

News in brief, 17 October 2006

182 employers under investigation for 457 visa breaches; Man sacked for pornographic downloads wins unfair dismissal case; Big names back LHMU's cleaners wage push; Parties continue to trade blows on IR; and Correction to OWS fines article.

WA IRC refuses bid to wait until High Court ruling on Work Choices

Western Australia's IRC has refused to adjourn a state unfair dismissal case pending the High Court's ruling on Work Choices, allowing a company to argue that the Commission has no jurisdiction to hear the matter under the new laws.

OWS wins orders for Merrington to make up unpaid wages

Optometry chain Australian Ophthalmic Supplies Pty Ltd (trading as Merringtons) will pay $17,565 in unpaid wages and $5,353 in interest to six current and former employees after consenting to orders in the Victorian Magistrates Court today.