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Feltex under the microscope, as two investigations launched

The TCF Union has begun a FOA case against the purchasers of failed carpet manufacturer Feltex Australia, while both the Office of Workplace Services and the Victorian Workplace Rights Advocate have begun investigations into the requirement for its employees to sign AWAs if they want to work for the company's new owner.

OWS yet to prosecute over any Work Choices AWAs

The OWS has not launched any prosecutions over the Work Choices AWAs referred to it by the OEA, director Nicholas Wilson told a Senate Estimates hearing today.

Half a million receive less than minimum pay: AFPC study

Up to half a million workers are paid less than the federal minimum wage, due either to them not being covered by awards or their employers failing to comply with awards, according to research conducted for the Fair Pay Commission.

OEA no longer collecting data on protected award conditions

Just five months after Employment Advocate Peter McIlwain told a Senate committee that every one of a sample of 250 Work Choices AWAs had removed at least one protected award condition, he has today revealed he is no longer conducting that sampling.

News in brief, October 31, 2006

OWS recovers $650,000 from Hunan Industrial; Bench overturns pornography dismissal reinstatement; AFPC nail in coffin for anti Work Choices campaign, says PM; Tim McDonald joins Joe Hockey's office; Cook leaves Clayton Utz for Minters; PSA moves with the times; and Debate to launch AIER in NSW.

News in brief, October 30, 2006

OWS recovers $93,000 from Aprint, prosecution to come; Discussions this week on flowing-on AFPC ruling to allowances; Safety net case for employees of unincorporated employers can now proceed; Government hypocritical on AFPC ruling, says Labor; NATSEM analysis shows "folly" of AFPC ruling, says ACCI; and Pocock’s new book looks at impact of work on children.