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IC Bill almost friendless, as debate continues in Senate

The Howard Government's proposed amendments to its Independent Contractors Bill haven't pleased one of the key interest groups that pushed for the legislation, and it is now calling for the removal of Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews from the portfolio.

News in brief November 29, 2006

Employer fined $16,000 over sacking of non-union member in win for ABCC; Hospitality industry targeted in OWS compliance campaign; and Hulls keeps IR role in Bracks' reshuffle.

WR Act amendments provide broad power to stand down; allow waiver of AWA seven-day rule

New stand down provisions the Howard Government is seeking to insert into the Workplace Relations Act give employers broad scope to send workers home if affected by strikes, machinery breakdowns or other stoppages outside the control of the employer. And in a surprise change revealed last night, workers will be allowed to waive the requirement to have an AWA for seven days before signing it.

CBA rejects union call for majority ballot on AWAs

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has rejected union calls for an employee ballot on its new offer of AWAs that it says "buys out" protected award conditions including overtime and shift allowances in exchange for higher base pay than the existing collective agreement.

OEA not entitled to deny leave, says Federal Court full bench

A Federal Court full bench has overturned the Office of the Employment Advocate's decision to refuse leave on the basis of operational reasons to an employee who planned to participate in Thursday's union national day of action against Work Choices.

Unfair dismissal jurisdictional decisions going against employees

With no requirement on employers to provide the information up-front, 50 employees have lodged unfair dismissal claims under Work Choices only to find out later their company employed 100 or fewer workers, while nine "operational reasons" decisions went employees' way before Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews last week intervened in an AIRC appeal.

Feltex buyers ordered into AIRC conciliation with union

The AIRC has ordered two carpet company directors to attend conciliation hearings with the textile union over a disputed offer of AWAs to 300 workers at the Feltex factory in Melbourne, which they are buying from receivers.