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News in brief, October 27, 2006

Qualified support from teaching unions for Beazley standards-based pay proposal; Qantas maintenance workers vote up three-year deal; CFMEU television commercial misleading, says ABCC, but CFMEU demurs; Little change in workers' mobility, says ABS; and Concerts to encourage youth to enrol to vote, send message to Canberra on IR.

National rights and entitlements plus collective bargaining at heart of new union policy

The union movement's support for a national IR system based on the corporations power plus its new collective bargaining position are at the heart of its IR legislation policy - unanimously endorsed by ACTU Congress in Melbourne yesterday. But the 37-page document - which unions will lobby the ALP to adopt - also deals in detail with a raft of other key matters, including the AIRC's role, minimum standards, unfair dismissal, freedom of association, independent contractors, trade practices law, employee entitlement protection, and which government bodies should go and which should stay.

AFPC delivers substantial rise to low paid

In its first minimum pay determination today, the Fair Pay Commission has delivered a substantial pay rise approaching 4% a year to workers on the federal minimum wage.

ACTU to step up TV advertising campaign against Work Choices laws

Unions will step up their multi-million dollar television campaign against the Work Choices laws in the lead up to next year's federal election, with the launch today of a CFMEU advertisement highlighting the coercive powers of the BCII Act.

Unions endorse national IR system, relying on corporations power

ACTU secretary Greg Combet has acknowledged the apprehension some union delegates feel about the peak council's new IR policy - unanimously endorsed this morning - which relies heavily on the corporations power and weakens the role of the state systems.

Support from state unions for national system

A proposed IR policy that provides for a default national IR system, but gives parties the chance to opt in to state systems, is set to be voted up today at the ACTU's triennial Congress after state union peak bodies today indicated it had their support.