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AIRC to hear wage case for transitional employees

The ACTU's application to flow on the AFPC's $27.36 minimum wage rise to 300,000 or so transitional employees will be before the AIRC for mention on Monday, after the Commission froze the case last year to await the new wage-setting body's decision.

Harmer calls on Howard Government to restore unfair dismissal rights

Michael Harmer, chair of law firm Harmers Workplace Lawyers, has turned on the Howard Government over Work Choices' drastic erosion of unfair dismissal rights, saying the change is "not only going to cost livelihoods, it will cost lives".

High Court interprets corporations power broadly

The five-member High Court majority interpreted the Constitution's corporations power widely when it this morning dismissed in its entirety the States/unions' challenge to the validity of the Federal Government's Work Choices laws.

News flash: High Court upholds validity of Work Choices

The High Court has this morning by a 5 to 2 majority dismissed the States' and unions' challenge to the constitutional validity of Work Choices, upholding the legislation in its entirety.

PM flags more IR changes ahead

More changes to Work Choices could be on the way, Prime Minister John Howard said today, after his Government announced "finetuning" of Work Choices, including new stand-down and sick leave cashing-out measures.

Greenfields agreements true to predictions

Companies are using Work Choices' employer greenfields agreements to exclude all or most protected award conditions, while in service industries they are using the instruments to secure low wage arrangements with no or low shift and penalty rates, a survey by Workplace Express confirms.