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Feltex buyers ordered into AIRC conciliation with union

The AIRC has ordered two carpet company directors to attend conciliation hearings with the textile union over a disputed offer of AWAs to 300 workers at the Feltex factory in Melbourne, which they are buying from receivers.

Car parts supplies cut, amid claims Ajax owners planning receivership

Workers at troubled car parts maker Ajax Fasteners downed tools today and occupied its Melbourne factory, accusing its owners of seeking to appoint a receiver despite a six-month rescue deal agreed in August to secure employee entitlements and guarantee supplies to major car makers.

Mothers returning to work before they're ready, says researcher

More than 40% of mothers who resume work within 15 months of giving birth are doing so earlier than they would prefer due to financial pressure, highlighting the need for more paid parental leave and better arrangements for mothers to take leave without being penalised, according to research by a University of Queensland academic.

Abolishing AWAs will cost billions, says AMMA

The employer organisation that has been most vocal in supporting AWAs - the AMMA - claims that abolishing them could result in an annual loss of export revenue of between $6.6 billion and $9.9 billion in the resources sector alone.

"Low quality" jobs bad for mental health of parents, children: New research

Mothers and fathers who have "low quality" jobs that lack security, control, flexible start/finish times and access to paid family leave are more than twice as likely to experience symptoms of conditions such as depression and anxiety as those in "high quality" jobs, while their children's risk of psychological conditions also doubles, according to groundbreaking research by an Australian National University academic.

Shop union to pare back junior rates

The Shop Union, which represents many tens of thousands of juniors, hasn't given up on getting rid of junior rates after the Government and Labor combined to entrench discounted wages. The union will move to get rid of the "worst abuses" of junior rates through award variations.

Inquiry calls for workplace rights advocate in NSW

A NSW parliamentary inquiry into Work Choices has called on the State Government to follow Victoria's example of creating a workplace rights advocate and to consider boosting state resources for dealing with unfair dismissal claims.

News in brief, November 23, 2006

New Queensland CFMEU construction division secretary; Women's Work Choices roundtables; NSW teachers want 10% super; and date for ATO right of entry appeal.