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Fairness test delay stymies agreement making in hospitality

The Hotels and Motels Association of Australia is advising members to hold off on registering AWAs until the Federal Government reveals details of its new fairness test, expected to be tabled in parliament on Monday but retrospectively effective from May 7.

News in brief, May 22, 2007

ABCC prosecutes workers over industrial action at Lake Cowal gold mine; AMWU's Cameron confirmed for Senate seat; Police officer loses post-traumatic stress damages claim; AWA lodgements to be litmus test for effectiveness of safety net changes: Peetz; Your Rights at Work supporters fund full-page ad in national newspaper; Victorian Government to introduce new outworker protection laws; and Boeing wins extension of discrimination exemption.

Big stick for NSW companies exploiting junior workers

Corporate employers in NSW not covered by preserved state awards or agreements will have to ensure their employment conditions don't disadvantage under-18 employees or face the risk of prosecution, after a NSW IRC full bench today found that employers were using Work Choices agreements to exploit children in "a most unconscionable way".

AIRC reverses crucial ruling on NAPSAs

AIRC Commissioner Ken Bacon has today revoked his decision last week that would have denied high-income workers on preserved state awards or agreements the right to make unfair dismissal claims under Work Choices.

Government ignores Senate inquiries over Work Choices ad funding

Finance Minister Nick Minchin has not responded to repeated inquiries from Senate President Paul Calvert about the funding of the Federal Government's $55 million advertising campaign for Work Choices in 2005/06, a Senate Estimates committee heard today.