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Commonsense should guide interpretation of entry laws: full bench

In a rebuff to Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews and the ATO, an AIRC full bench has found the Commission has the power to order an employer to notify employees that a union is visiting a workplace to investigate possible breaches, while stressing that the right of entry provisions should be interpreted in a reasonable, commonsense way.

Australia not a workforce participation laggard: New research

New Productivity Commission research shows that Australia's workforce participation rate is the fifth highest in the developed world - much higher than is generally understood - but that matching world's best practice in poor-performing demographics would expand the nation's labour force by more than 600,000.

Labor to consider right to request extra parental benefits

The ALP is planning to restore policies from the AIRC's family provisions test case ruling, including giving parents the right to request an extension of unpaid parental leave to two years and giving new parents' the right to request part time employment on returning to work, at its national conference in April.

Competition watchdog succeeds in case against ETU

The Federal Court has imposed a $125,000 penalty on the ETU, after finding it breached the Trade Practices Act when it insisted that Edison Mission only engage electrical contractors who had union enterprise agreements at a power station construction site.

News in Brief January 16, 2006

Skills shortage boosts professional salaries by up to 15%, says APESMA; New numbering system for AIRC decisions; 90% vote for new ABC Learning agreement, according to LHMU; OWS targets regional centres; and ACCC issues business collective bargaining guide.

Canberra restaurant fined $64,000 for underpayment of foreign workers

In the first completed prosecution of its kind by the OWS, a Canberra restaurant has today been fined $64,000 and ordered to pay $3,800 plus interest in underpaid wages to two chefs it employed from the Philippines under subclass 457 temporary work visas.