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News update, January 30, 2007

Hockey sworn in; Gillard appoints new chief of staff; Corish not standing as candidate for Parkes; New teachers being driven away, AEU survey shows; Work Choices rollback will risk low dispute levels, warns ACCI; and Abbott on Santamaria and IR.

News in brief, January 30, 2007

Tristar to remain in business, says it has done nothing wrong; Work Choices corporate status test case before Federal Court next month; Second job not covered by university policy, says tribunal; and Senior UK bank employee fails in discrimination claim.

88% vote yes in secret ballots for industrial action: survey

Unions have generally succeeded in winning support for industrial action in Work Choices secret ballots, with the average "yes" vote at around 88%, according to a survey of the first 102 ballots conducted since their introduction last March.

Union membership still falling in US

A further drop in US union membership - to just 12% - will be no comfort to Australian employee organisations, which have based their revival strategies largely on the organising model used by their North American siblings.

UK model for ALP work/family policy might be expanded

The UK's Equal Opportunities Commission has recommended the extension of "right to request" laws to all workers, while the Blair Government is considering expanding their coverage to all working parents.

Shergold, Boxall recognised on Australia Day

The heads of both the Prime Minister's Department - Dr Peter Shergold - and of DEWR - Dr Peter Boxall - are among those recognised in this year's Australia Day awards.

News in brief, January 25, 2006

Hockey wants solution for remaining Tristar workers, after payout secured for dying employee; Employers warned on discrimination following 60% increase in workplace complaints to HREOC post-Work Choices; Court to hear OWS agreement prosecution on Monday; and NAB ruling limits extent of employer responsibility for OHS, work and family balance.