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AMWU succession plan under challenge

The post-Cameron succession plan for the AMWU national and Victorian leadership positions devised between the dominant National Left and the now disbanded Workers First is under threat.

News in brief, February 19, 2007

Qantas dumps flight attendant after alleged in-flight tryst with actor; and 175,000 children in employment.

OWS takes Tristar to court

The OWS has begun an action in the Federal Court against Tristar, alleging it has made 26 current employees involuntarily redundant and seeking that they receive their severance pay entitlements.

AIRC rejects senior manager's unfair dismissal bid

A former Ingham's manager has had his unfair dismissal application thrown out by the AIRC because he was too highly paid and not employed under "award derived conditions".

News in brief, February 16, 2007

Unions grapple with climate change, jobs; NSW Government intervenes in local government award bid; Ludwig says councils taking a risk in declaring themselves constitutional corporations; Abbott calls for investigation into Currawong sale; and Changed man wins job back.