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Alcoa unions form global coalition

The AWU and unions in Europe and the Americas are preparing to push global aluminium giant Alcoa to negotiate an international IR framework agreement.

Groundhog day, as ETU and NECA negotiate on code compliance

The ETU in Victoria and the NECA are again seeking to negotiate a settlement for the State's electrical contracting sector following last year's changes to the construction industry code that rendered non-compliant the deals they had taken nearly a year to reach.

AWU calls for carbon trading system

The Australian Workers Union, which has substantial membership in industries that generate large amounts of greenhouse gas, is pushing the Federal Government to urgently introduce carbon trading to combat global warming.

Union denies reported wage freeze at Myer

The SDA has rejected reports of a 12-month wage freeze applying to Myer's 21,000 retail employees, saying it is still negotiating with the company for a new collective agreement.

ALP hints at compromise on small business dismissals

Shadow IR Minister Julia Gillard has hinted that the ALP might compromise with small businesses on its planned unfair dismissal policy, including conducting fast-track hearings on-site rather than in the AIRC.