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News in brief, February 2, 2007

Andrews' IR advisors to go to Hockey's office; $50,000 penalty for Canberra restaurant that underpaid workers; Eddington to head ALP business council; Not ripping up, removing, says Rudd; New book on High Court Work Choices ruling; Work Choices inquiry to release report; and Unions NSW's Currawong sold for $15m.

ACTU appeals to Hardie shareholders to back deal

ACTU secretary Greg Combet today warned James Hardie shareholders that if they vote down the asbestos compensation deal next week in Amsterdam, then unions will "run this company down" and make sure its assets are directed to asbestos victims.

Officially it's all quiet on who will fill Bill's shoes

When AWU national secretary Bill Shorten heads for Canberra later this year, his successor at this stage seems likely to be either the union's Victorian-based national vice president Paul Howes or NSW branch president Mick Madden.

ACTU to move into new home next month

The ACTU is preparing to move in to its new Melbourne headquarters early next month, after paying $12.3m for it last year.

News in brief, January 31, 2007

Howard Government to restructure HREOC, amend disability discrimination laws; Qantas purchaser seeks to reassure employees; and Investigation launched into alleged breaches by nursing recruiters.

Office gossip and pranks are discrimination: tribunal

Gossip in a Queensland police station about a colleague's marriage and the mocking-up of her honeymoon photograph in an office joke book amounted to unlawful sexual discrimination, the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Tribunal has found.