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NT nurses to vote on work bans

Public sector nurses in the Northern Territory will next week begin voting on industrial action, including bans on overtime and non-nursing duties, after rejecting the government's 3% pay rise offer.

Woolworths loses bid to restrain former executive

Woolworths has lost a bid for an interlocutory injunction to stop a former executive working for Myer after the NSW Supreme Court found there was insufficient evidence of direct competition between the supermarket and department store businesses.

News in brief, February 6, 2007

Wage growth accelerating, says NAB; Tripartite push in NZ for "decent work"; and Qantas rejects claims that aircraft engineers put under pressure.

Qantas bid faces conditions and delays under FIRB review

Australian Airline Partners' bid to buy Qantas faces new conditions and delays after the private equity consortium agreed to a voluntary review by the Foreign Investment Review Board, while a new poll commissioned by unions shows four out of five people in key marginal seats are opposed to the takeover.

Unions, business put their hands in their pockets

The biggest donation from a union or employer group to a political party last year was the $100,000 given by the CFMEU (mining & energy division) to the ALP national office, Australian Electoral Commission disclosure documents released yesterday show.

News in brief, February 2, 2007

Andrews' IR advisors to go to Hockey's office; $50,000 penalty for Canberra restaurant that underpaid workers; Eddington to head ALP business council; Not ripping up, removing, says Rudd; New book on High Court Work Choices ruling; Work Choices inquiry to release report; and Unions NSW's Currawong sold for $15m.