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PC identifies five industries that can close productivity gap with US

Australia's manufacturing productivity growth is likely to continue to lag behind that of the US, while five other industries that are also currently out-performed - retail, wholesale, communications, utilities and finance - have the potential to close their productivity gaps, according to a Productivity Commission staff working paper.

HREOC calls for new family/caring responsibilities legislation

The HREOC has called on the Howard Government to double to 20 days the personal/carers leave in the AFPCS, to reinstate "right to request" provisions and to require the OEA to report annually on AWA wages and conditions, but ACCI has dismissed the carers leave proposal as "an ambit claim not grounded in reality".

Australia going backwards in gender equity: ANU report

Gender equity in Australia - including in the workplace - has been on the decline over the last decade, despite earlier gains that made the country a world leader in women's rights, according to a new academic study.

News in brief March 7, 2007

Unions reject Qantas sale undertakings; OWS wins $12,000 penalty for $2,162 in unpaid wages; and Health has significant impact on men’s wages: Melbourne Institute; and Hockey joins Expenditure Review Committee.

New recruitment website pays "bounty" for workers

In another sign of a tight labour market, a new job website is offering referral payments of up to $10,000 to members of the public who help find employees to fill advertised vacancies.

Unions fear flow-on from aviation maintenance AWAs

The Victorian Office of the Workplace Rights Advocate is investigating the proposed purchase by John Holland Engineering of Ansett's Tullamarine maintenance facility and the company's AWA offer to employees - a move unions fear also has implications for Qantas.

Virgin cabin crew get 5% a year, as agreement ushers in new work rules

After almost 15 months of negotiations between Virgin Blue and the flight attendants' union, some 1300 cabin crew will begin voting later this month on a new five-year agreement that provides a 3% pay rise plus a 2% bonus each year, boosts part-time employment, and introduces new rosters in league with a jointly-developed fatigue management system.