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Combet calls for union-employer IR pact in mining

ACTU secretary Greg Combet has called for the mining industry to accept that AWAs will be axed if a Rudd Labor Government takes power, and to begin working with unions and Labor to develop an alternative that maintains the sector's flexibility and agility, while guaranteeing enhanced employee rights.

News in brief, March 22, 2007

Giudice notes paradoxes in IR legislation; ACCI survey finds jobs more secure; Work Choices record-keeping requirements will cost, says Della Bosca; Holden reaches 600 target for voluntary redundancies; and Comcare under-resourced, says Gillard.

Tristar managing director to front NSW IRC

The Adelaide-based managing director or Tristar will tomorrow face the NSW IRC inquiry into the availability of work at the company's Marrickville plant after the Federal Court today rejected his application for an injunction against being summonsed to give evidence.

AMMA pillories AWA plans as ALP national conference looms

The mining and resource sector is stepping up its campaign against Labor's plans to scrap AWAs, with a new report saying a form of statutory individual contract must be retained, that common law contracts are an unworkable alternative, and that Labor's proposed transitional arrangements could create sovereign risk.

Independent contractor laws are an opportunity missed, says academic

The Federal Government's independent contractor laws add another layer of complexity to the workplace relations system, significantly reduce the levels of legal protection available to contractors, and fail to address an issue of fundamental concern to labour regulation, according to Monash University's Dr Anthony Forsyth.

Hockey intervenes after AIRC finds it has jurisdiction over sacking

A full bench of the AIRC is today hearing a bid by Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey to have overturned an earlier finding that the Victorian State Library's sacking of an employee amounted to a dispute with the CPSU over the application of an agreement and was within the Commission's jurisdiction.