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ACTU steps up Work Choices TV ads; Combet again rejects MP role

The ACTU has launched a new anti-Work Choices TV advertisement on the first anniversary of the laws and released opinion poll results finding 69% of voters agree that individual contracts give too much power to employers, while 24% disagree.

News in brief, March 26, 2007

Labor's IR plan would drop the ball on economic reform; Howard responds, after Rudd and Gillard seek guarantee of no HEWRRs-style IR drive in public health; Fielding legislation seeks to reinstate conditions deleted by Work Choices; Sky hasn't fallen and no turning back clock, says BCA; ACTU report merely recycling old news, says ACCI; Work Choices defying critics, says Ridout; and OWS issues new fact sheet on infringement notices, as March 27 looms.

CFMEU fined $20,000, ordered to destroy delegates’ forms, and place FOA ads

The CFMEU has been fined $20,000, ordered to destroy its delegates' code of conduct forms and place newspaper advertisements on freedom of association rights after being found guilty by the Federal Court of making false statements about workers' obligations to join the union.

ACTU report disputes economic argument for Work Choices

An ACTU report released today on the first year of Work Choices emphasises downward pressure on wages – especially for retail and hospitality workers – and disputes Federal Government claims about employment and productivity improvements.

Work Choices AWAs hit women hardest: Victorian Government report

On the eve of the first anniversary of Work Choices taking effect, the Victorian Government has launched a publicity campaign based on a new study revealing cuts to workers’ pay and conditions under AWAs, particularly for women.

MUA stages national lightning strike

In their first national stoppage in more than a decade, waterside workers staged a lightning strike this afternoon over what the MUA says is inadequate safety in the industry.

New threat to unions from Howard Government

Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey has revealed today he is considering introducing new provisions to make unions more accountable for their spending, as they ramp up their anti-Work Choices advertising campaign, while he says Labor's plan to allow pattern bargaining is a threat to interest rates.

APESMA sets up own law firm

The APESMA will next Tuesday - the first anniversary of Work Choices - launch its own legal company, APESMA Lawyers Pty Ltd, which it has set up in response to the growing volume of its work representing members now going through the courts rather than the AIRC as a result of the new IR laws.