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CPSU seeks finding that DEWR breached FOA laws

The Federal Court is expected on Monday to finish hearing a CPSU bid to find the Federal Government breached freedom of association laws when it banned public servants from taking leave to attend the 2005 ACTU day of action against Work Choices.

Labor reveals more policy detail on minimum standards, awards

A Rudd Labor Government would modify the five minimum conditions under Work Choices and add a "limited" number of additional standards, while leaving industry-specific conditions to simplified awards, Shadow IR Minister Julia Gillard told a conference in Sydney this morning.

OWS investigating Australian Communication Exchange

The OWS has confirmed it is investigating whether call centre operator Australian Communications Exchange has breached workplace laws, while the OWS cases involving Tristar and BP were before the courts for directions.

Jetstar bill not required, say Qantas and APA

Both Qantas and the consortium bidding for the national airline have told a Senate inquiry that proposed legislation seeking to protect against foreign ownership of Jetstar and the loss of Australian jobs was unnecessary, while Qantas has rejected ALAEA claims that Changi prisoners have worked on aircraft undergoing heavy maintenance in Singapore.

News in brief, March 12, 2007

$120,000 penalty appropriate for company's TPA breach, says court; and Report will find Work Choices in breach of ILO conventions, says ALP.

Tristar inquiry begins, after company fails to halt it

The Tristar inquiry began in earnest this morning, with employee and union witnesses set to give evidence, after the company failed on Friday in its second attempt to halt proceedings.

News in brief, March 9, 2007

ETU offers to help workers leave greenfields deal employer; Bridgestone begins lifting stand-downs; Call centre workers reject AWAs, says NUW; Queensland Time's Up campaign on the move; and Worker replaced by boss's son, says CFMEU