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News in brief, April 16, 2007

Costello warns of wages breakout without individual wage fixing; Golden Casket sale to erode working conditions: ASU; and Unions back TV ads with letterboxing drive in SA marginals.

Coalition could lose ability to block repeal of Work Choices in Senate

The Coalition's use of its Senate majority - including by pushing through Work Choices without a mandate - will lead to it losing control after the next election, according to renowned election analyst Malcolm Mackerras. This would give a Rudd Labor Government a chance of repealing the laws and passing its own, and would rob the Coalition of the ability to block Labor's plans.

Coalition claims about election spending "nonsense", says Gillard

Labor has dismissed Coalition claims that it and unions are spending $100m in their campaign against Work Choices, while Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey put out a statement late today saying he is not planning a further wave of IR change, after earlier in the day saying no Government could afford to "rest on its laurels" on economic reforms, including those targeting the workplace.

Employer fails in operational reasons sacking case

An aged care facility has failed to convince the AIRC that its sacking of a manager for alleged bullying fell within Work Choices' broad "operational reasons" exemption.

Howard credits Work Choices with low unemployment

Prime Minister John Howard today maintained there was a direct link between Work Choices' abolition of unfair dismissal laws and the latest unemployment figure of 4.5% - a claim the Opposition said was "ridiculous".

ACT public servants vote up deal

Nearly 10,000 public servants throughout the ACT will receive a 12% pay increase over the next three years in a deal that also strengthens employees' entitlement to part-time work after having children and increases paid "bonding" time for new parents.