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Combet stands for ALP; Lawrence stands for ACTU

ACTU secretary Greg Combet today confirmed he will be a candidate for the ALP NSW seat of Charlton in this year's federal election, as LHMU national secretary Jeff Lawrence said he would stand for the union top job.

Howard says there will be "minor" changes to come

Prime Minister John Howard has indicated his Government will be making further IR changes in two areas - duress and transmission of business - in addition to the safety net amendments he announced today.

Howard boosts Work Choices safety net, acknowledges community concerns

The Prime Minister John Howard has this morning moved to address community concerns about his Work Choices legislation, announcing a significant boost to the safety net for agreement making plus the reinstatement of a no-disadvantage test. He has also renamed both the OEA and the OWS.

News in brief, May 3, 2007

ACTU opposes commission-only pay; NSW unions seeking 4% pay rise; McDonald granted bail; Labor not going back to pre-1993 IR system, says Keating; Bastard Boys goes to air next week; Roping-in case not the first; SDA's Ryan moves to Pharmacy Guild; Former Greens media advisor to spin for unions; and NSW Government offers job swaps for workers ahead of relocation.

Law firm details gaps in Labor's IR policy

Law firm Blake Dawson Waldron has listed union right of entry and secondary boycotts among ten issues it says have not been dealt with in the ALP's IR policy.

ALP fails to resolve AWA transition with AMMA

Talks between the AMMA board and Shadow IR Minister Julia Gillard in Melbourne today failed to resolve disagreement over the ALP's policy to abolish AWAs.

Combet to announce political candidacy in next two days

ACTU secretary Greg Combet will announce his candidacy for federal parliament in the next two days, which is expected to clear the way for LHMU national secretary Jeff Lawrence to take over the union leadership.