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Federal Labor maintains it will achieve a national system, despite States declining referral

Shadow IR Minister Julia Gillard maintained today that Labor would achieve a uniform national system for the private sector via the two alternative channels outlined by Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd on Tuesday - referral or harmonisation/cooperation - despite NSW's and Queensland's reluctance to join Victoria in opting for referral.

Federal Court refuses TPA injunction against picketers

A metal engineering company has lost its bid for injunctions under the Trade Practices Act against a long-running picket line after the Federal Court found there was insufficient evidence that it would significantly damage the business.

BCA considering ads to back Work Choices

BCA president Michael Chaney says the council is considering funding pro-Work Choices ads, and supports prosecuting any employers with AWAs that undercut minimum standards.

Labor promises national IR system for private sector, curbs on industrial action

A Labor Government would put in place a national IR system for the private sector, outlaw industrial action unless approved by a secret ballot, prohibit strike pay and re-introduce streamlined unfair dismissal laws, but with a 12-month probation period for businesses with 15 employees or fewer, Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd announced today.

News in brief, April 16, 2007

Costello warns of wages breakout without individual wage fixing; Golden Casket sale to erode working conditions: ASU; and Unions back TV ads with letterboxing drive in SA marginals.