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ALP to abolish AIRC, AFPC, OWS and OEA: Gillard

A federal Labor Government would abolish the AIRC, the Fair Pay Commission, the Office of Workplace Services and the Office of the Employment Advocate, and replace them with an overarching IR office to be called Fair Work Australia.

News in brief, April 24, 2007

No inflation pressure on wages, as CPI dips; Darrell Lea shelves AWAs; What AMMA wants from IR system; Delegate seeks first damages for employer's alleged breach of good faith obligation; ALP wants skilled migration to be faster and cleaner; Small business won't hire more because of Work Choices, says ALP; and MUA meets Maersk in Denmark.

Redundant employees fail in operational reasons dismissal cases

In two separate "genuine operational reasons" decisions, the AIRC has found that a company did not breach Work Choices when it made an employee redundant then readvertised his job at a cheaper rate, while it also found that a firm that made its HR practitioner redundant acted lawfully.

Genuine bargaining can include "unrealistic" claims at start: AIRC

The AMWU and CEPU have won orders for secret ballots for industrial action at CSBP's chemical operations at Kwinana and Albany in Western Australia despite company objections that the unions had not genuinely bargained by seeking fanciful claims.

Rudd would endanger unbroken run of economic growth, Howard warns

A Rudd Labor Government would bring back the worst features of centralised wage-fixing, Prime Minister John Howard warned the Queensland Media Club yesterday, while Labor frontbencher Craig Emerson proposed a raft of new measures, including payroll tax harmonisation, to lift Australia's flagging labour productivity growth.

Citigroup relaxed about Labor IR policy

Labor's IR policies are not likely to threaten the low inflation environment, while wage pressures can be contained best by maintaining a strong flow of overseas migrants and encouraging education and training in skill-short areas, according to new analysis by Citigroup.