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High Court only appeal from fairness test

Parties wanting to challenge agreements approved by the Workplace Authority under the new fairness test would have to go to the High Court, according to legal advice to the ACTU from Maurice Blackburn Cashman.

Women worse off on AWAs: study

Women employees are paid less than men under Work Choices AWAs, according to consultations of 60 women's organisations by the National Foundation for Australian Women.

Greens welcome union funds after ALP wavering on IR reform

The Greens, which may control the next Senate, are welcoming union donations to its election campaign against ALP "wavering" on IR reform, after Labor's decision to preserve the ABCC triggered a rare split with the ACTU.

New survey shows 23% of Queenslanders are union members

An ABS survey released today shows that 23% of Queensland wage and salary earners are union members, well above the 20.7% membership indicated in another Bureau survey released early this year.

250,000 Queenslanders working unpaid hours: ABS

A new ABS survey shows that one in five workers is performing unpaid hours, that a greater proportion of women than men are working without pay, and that almost two-thirds of those who regularly work unpaid hours are not compensated via time in lieu or allowances.

OWS investigation of Rein's company could take four months

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd could face months of further embarrassment over his wife's company's award compliance, after the Office of Workplace Services yesterday detailed a two-stage investigation process.