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AWA for PM's "Billy" would fail fairness test

The minimalist AWA covering "Billy" highlighted by Prime Minister John Howard when he announced the WorkChoices package in 2005 would fail the fairness test, unless there were exceptional circumstances, DEWR officials told a Senate committee this morning.

Is giving employees what they already had "fair compensation"?

The Coalition's proposed fairness test leaves unclear whether employers would be able to offer entitlements that employees already had as "fair compensation" for conditions that were taken away, according to Flinders University's Professor Andrew Stewart.

AMMA calls for review process for fairness test

The government's new fairness test should be subject to a review process, possibly within the Workplace Authority, and must be adequately funded to ensure it is timely and proficient, according to the AMMA.

Nominations open for Combet's replacement

Greg Combet's replacement as ACTU secretary could be known by next Wednesday after the ACTU's executive today opened nominations for the job.