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Man rostered off because of accent wins damages

A Sri Lankan-born correctional services officer whose supervisor took him off the roster at a jail’s control centre because she said she couldn’t understand him has won a racial discrimination case.

High Court only appeal from fairness test

Parties wanting to challenge agreements approved by the Workplace Authority under the new fairness test would have to go to the High Court, according to legal advice to the ACTU from Maurice Blackburn Cashman.

Women worse off on AWAs: study

Women employees are paid less than men under Work Choices AWAs, according to consultations of 60 women's organisations by the National Foundation for Australian Women.

Greens welcome union funds after ALP wavering on IR reform

The Greens, which may control the next Senate, are welcoming union donations to its election campaign against ALP "wavering" on IR reform, after Labor's decision to preserve the ABCC triggered a rare split with the ACTU.