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Denying damages on botched dismissals "irrational", High Court told

A worker has told the High Court that limitations on seeking damages for disciplinary and dismissal processes that result in psychiatric injury are "incoherent and irrational", in a case with the potential to create a new duty of care for employers.

Firefighters deal skirts around APS pay cap

The UFU's aviation branch has welcomed an in-principle agreement three-year for airport firefighters that uses allowances, job classification upgrades and higher overtime rates to improve on the Federal Government's public sector pay cap of 11.2% over three years.

$230M class action settlement a "seismic shift": Lawyers

Lawyers behind an underpayments class action on behalf of more than 20,000 junior doctors say a $230 million settlement reached with NSW Health is the largest in the nation's legal history and represents a "seismic shift".

"Bullying", "gaslighting" claims defamed me: Professor

The Federal Court has given a media company until next month to change its defence against an article that allegedly carries the defamatory imputation that a university professor created or fostered a toxic workplace culture of bullying and fear.

"Arbitrary" exclusion dashes RAFFWU MSD bid

RAFFWU has established that most Victorian workers at Factory X fashion brands Dangerfield and Princess Highway want to bargain but has lost its bid for a MSD after the FWC found it arbitrarily excluded cottage sister brand Gorman.

CFMEU did not threaten workers over strike vote: FWC

A construction company has failed in its bid to stop potential strikes amid claims of union interference in the protected action ballot process, the FWC pointing out that it cannot make orders preventing industrial action yet to be endorsed or notified.

Limit reach of delegates' rights: Mining employers

Coal mining companies have called for the FWC to ensure that the new workplace delegates' rights do not allow an employee of one employer to represent employees of another, but the ACTU says the employer proposal "unjustifiably narrows" the Fair Work Act's definition of "enterprise".

Early move to "sever" fixed term contract a dismissal: FWC

A training officer employed on a fixed term contract can proceed with his adverse action case against a volunteer rescue organisation after the FWC accepted that it sacked him when it told him two weeks before its expiry that it would not be renewed.