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Parties land on timetable for Qantas SJSP case

The FWC has cancelled its first directions listing to deal with two FAAA "same-job, same-pay" claims on behalf of on-hire cabin crew at Qantas, after the union, the airline and the labour suppliers agreed in advance to a schedule.

Claassens to succeed Diamond as RTBU leader

Long-serving RTBU NSW branch leader Alex Claassens is set to become national secretary following the resignation of Mark Diamond, whom the organisation credits with "transforming" it and resisting Coalition attempts to thwart the union movement.

BHP/MEU SJSP battle to play out before full bench

The bid by the MEU and AMWU for same-job, same-pay orders at BHP Coal's Bowen Basin mines is set to be the full bench test case for the key Closing Loopholes provisions, after the company and its OS labour hire subsidiaries made it clear today in a FWC hearing that they will argue they are excluded because they are service contractors rather than labour suppliers.

Doctor in witness box might have made a difference: FWC

The FWC has refused a six-day extension for a BCF store manager to challenge her sacking, but indicated that it might have granted it if a doctor who wrote a letter outlining her mental health issues had been called to give evidence.

Dilemma as some awards envisage outside-hours contact: FWC chief

FWC President Adam Hatcher has expressed concern about possible confusion arising from the inclusion in all awards of the new right to disconnect outside of working hours, when some awards "specifically contemplate" out-of-hours contact.

Setka's actions justify new CFMEU demerger laws: ACTU

The Albanese Government will introduce laws to allow the CFMEU's manufacturing division to demerge if members vote for it, with the ACTU claiming "Mr Setka's personal grudges" have led to an exit push that "cannot be resolved any other way".

Wrong call on WFH telemarketer's targets: FWC

The FWC has ordered an employer to pay $10,000 compensation to a telemarketer it sacked for falling short of unenforceable KPIs, while rejecting a claim that working from home disadvantaged her.