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Delete SJSP clause to pass deal, FWC tells Aldi

The FWC is seeking feedback on proposed undertakings that expunge an Aldi agreement's labour hire clauses, deemed invalid by the SDA because they try to circumvent same-job, same-pay provisions recently introduced into the Fair Work Act.

Westpac wins suppression orders in adverse action case

In a court ruling a major media organisation argues could curtail open justice "in every proceeding", a judge has blocked the release of documents until attempts to reach a mediated settlement in the adverse action case have been exhausted.

Retailer urged to reflect on "subjective" redundancy process

The FWC has urged David Jones to improve its retrenchment processes, while opening the way for a long-serving worker to pursue an unfair dismissal case after the department store deemed her unsuitable for redeployment to an area serving "elevated" clientele.

Warning on commission-only arrangements in finance

A senior lawyer says finance sector employers should "urgently review" their employment agreements after a finding that a commission-based advisor is award-covered and that a leading wealth management company cannot use those payments to offset his entitlements.

Coverage shortfall dashes majority support bid

An ETU bid for a majority support determination covering team leaders at a major power station has fallen at the first hurdle, with the union failing to establish that they are "electricians" or in a role peculiar to the electrical industry.

ACTU draft RtD clause extends too far: AiG

The AiG is calling for the FWC to reject the ACTU's "misguided and inappropriate" draft "right to disconnect" award clause, and AREEA is recommending the final clause mirror the legislation, rather than expand it.

"Entitled to inquire" about lawyer's conduct: Judge

A judge has rejected suggestions that he "inferred misconduct" on the part of lawyers acting for a construction giant in an adverse action case that has moved on to weighing damages and compensation.

Employer's hours regime intact in first workplace determination

The FWC's first intractable bargaining workplace determination has maintained a Monday to Sunday ordinary hours pattern that waste company Cleanaway argued it needed to remain competitive, while it has ordered the employer to backpay its drivers 11% and provide prospective rises of a further 12% by September 2026.

Casuals' class action belatedly withdrawn

After an email glitch caused a lengthy delay, the Federal Court has agreed to discontinue a class action launched on behalf of thousands of Programmed coal mineworkers allegedly misclassified as casuals until the High Court's Rossato ruling decimated the case.