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Coverage shortfall dashes majority support bid

An ETU bid for a majority support determination covering team leaders at a major power station has fallen at the first hurdle, with the union failing to establish that they are "electricians" or in a role peculiar to the electrical industry.

ACTU draft RtD clause extends too far: AiG

The AiG is calling for the FWC to reject the ACTU's "misguided and inappropriate" draft "right to disconnect" award clause, and AREEA is recommending the final clause mirror the legislation, rather than expand it.

"Entitled to inquire" about lawyer's conduct: Judge

A judge has rejected suggestions that he "inferred misconduct" on the part of lawyers acting for a construction giant in an adverse action case that has moved on to weighing damages and compensation.

Employer's hours regime intact in first workplace determination

The FWC's first intractable bargaining workplace determination has maintained a Monday to Sunday ordinary hours pattern that waste company Cleanaway argued it needed to remain competitive, while it has ordered the employer to backpay its drivers 11% and provide prospective rises of a further 12% by September 2026.

Casuals' class action belatedly withdrawn

After an email glitch caused a lengthy delay, the Federal Court has agreed to discontinue a class action launched on behalf of thousands of Programmed coal mineworkers allegedly misclassified as casuals until the High Court's Rossato ruling decimated the case.

Jettison employers' "minimalist" disconnect model: ACTU

The ACTU says the "right to disconnect" clause to be inserted into awards should provide "descriptive guidance" on how the entitlement would operate and the FWC should reject employers' proposed "minimalist" approach, ahead of consultations next week and the Commission releasing a draft provision next month.

High Court asked to reject "narrow" definition of work

Extending employers' duty of care to the disciplining and sacking of workers would not "frustrate" contractual certainty or disrupt businesses, lawyers for a charity's former consultant have told the High Court.

FAAA's Qantas SJSP bids set for take-off

FWC President Adam Hatcher will conduct a directions hearing next Thursday to tackle two FAAA "same-job, same-pay" claims on behalf of Qantas labour hire cabin crew engaged via Maurice Alexander Management and one of the airline's many subsidiaries.

DEWR enjoys court win in FEG clawback case

The taxpayer-funded FEG scheme has won court orders putting it in the box seat to claw back more than $600,000 in unpaid wages and entitlements handed out to the former employees of a liquidated company.