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ACTU pushes for real minimum rise as AiG seeks freeze

The ACTU and the Victorian Government in supplementary submissions to the FWC's annual wage review have maintained their requests for real wage increases, while the AiG has fallen into line with ACCI and backed a freeze.

Unions not biting government's $1000 carrot to freeze pay

Unions are still in the dark about which NSW public servants would qualify for a $1000 frontline worker 'bonus' in lieu of a pay rise, while a health union has asked the State Treasurer to ditch a 2.5% wages cap before it puts the offer to members.

COVID-19 wage freeze for NSW public sector

The NSW Government has imposed a 12-month wage freeze on its 408,000-strong public sector workforce, but has provided a job security guarantee for the same period.

Workers on new retail deals exposed to virus freeze

Large numbers of retail employees covered by agreements approved in the second half of last year face wage freezes if employers succeed in their campaign for a coronavirus-driven pause in minimum pay rises such as that adopted during the GFC, new Attorney-General's Department data on bargained wage rises reveals.

FWC confirms power to delay minimum wage increase

The FWC has opened the door on a potential delay to any minimum wage increase this year, observing it can change the effective date in "exceptional circumstances".

FWC asks who'd foot the bill for pandemic allowance

An FWC full bench has asked the Morrison Government whether it will boost funding to compensate employers if it grants a contested $5-an-hour COVID-19 allowance claim for disability workers attending to self-isolated and quarantining clients.

UK minimum hits 60% of median on Tories' watch

As some employers suggest that FWC's minimum wage panel might need to freeze or cut minimum pay due to the coronavirus crisis, the UK has lifted its wage floor to 60% of the median.

JobKeeper disputes piling up in tribunal

The FWC has published a JobKeeper disputes benchbook as it clocks 120 applications to deal with disputes under the scheme, while a union-run 'Jobscammer' website recorded more than 250 responses in its first week.

High-earning manager can't contest sacking: FWC

A senior manager on a $240,000 annual remuneration package has failed to convince the FWC he is an award-covered employee protected from unfair dismissal.