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AMWU rules don't cover BHP OS trainees: FWC

The FWC has thrown out a bid by the AMWU to enter the BHP OS training facility near Mackay to hold discussions with about 150 maintenance trainees, finding the union's coverage rule for fitters and engineering trades doesn't extend to the "caterpillar" trainees until they become maintenance associate "butterflies".

Court halts action against Victorian AMWU leader

The Federal Court has today restrained the AMWU from proceeding with internal charges of alleged misconduct against a Victorian branch leader that could have him removed from his position.

Bench backs landmark flight crew coverage ruling

An FWC full bench has upheld an AFAP rule change decision that will enable it to compete with AIPA to represent all Qantas mainline pilots, finding the competition will keep the Flying Kangaroo's "in-house" union "on their toes and honest".

Setback for Setka as election allowed to proceed

The Federal Court has blocked a bid by an official backed by CFMMEU construction and general division Victorian branch secretary John Setka to delay an election that opens today for the union's manufacturing division, as he continues his campaign to wrest control from its leader, Michael O'Connor.

Merged union's first convention put on ice again

The United Workers' Union has overcome initial scepticism from the FWC to be permitted to further postpone its inaugural national convention because of COVID-19 uncertainties.

Union demerger rules reach back 30 years: AG's Department

In the wake of the hasty passage of legislation six months ago to enable the CFMMEU's mining division to go its own way, the Attorney-General's Department says that eligible constituent parts of unions and other registered organisations can apply to demerge if they have amalgamated since early 1991.

TWU and VIPA to proceed with merger

The merger between the Transport Workers Union and the Virgin Independent Pilots Association in July will lead to the creation of a pilots' division within the TWU, subject to VIPA members approving the nuptials in a ballot.

CFMMEU divorce candidate seeks fast-tracked hearing

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has asked the FWC to expedite the hearing of its demerger application because of the union's civil war, in correspondence revealing its substantial assets and its proposed new name, while the Commission has today timetabled a case dealing with threshold matters.