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Cash rallying employers to take up defence of penalty rate cuts

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash is trying to drum up public support from business and employer groups for the Fair Work Commission's landmark decision to cut Sunday penalty rates for some retail and hospitality workers.

CFMEU finalises day for national protest against ABCC

The CFMEU will stage a national protest over the re-establishment of the ABCC next week as part of its broader campaign against the Turnbull Government's workplace reform agenda.

Labour movement leaders ramp up push to reverse penalties ruling

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has reiterated that Labor will reverse the FWC's "bad" decision to reduce weekend penalty rates if Labor takes power at the next federal election, while the ACTU's next secretary is calling for unions to join her in stopping the penalties changes "dead in their tracks".

Style makeover as AWU embraces hairdressers

It's the labour movement equivalent of the corporate skunkworks: a new union within the Australian Workers Union that doesn't look anything like its distinctly un-hip parent.

Organic growth not mergers on agenda for new AWU leader

The AWU kicks off its biennial conference today, with new national secretary Daniel Walton seeking to revive falling membership and protect jobs in key industry segments rather than pursue mergers with other unions. Meanwhile, the FWC has been questioning the "integrity" of the union’s reported membership numbers for the five years to 2014.

Federal Court rejects ResMed's "desperate" union challenge

A full Federal Court has thwarted ResMed's latest challenge to the AMWU's ability to organise workers at the company's Sydney headquarters, rejecting the high-tech manufacturer's claims that changes to the union's rules could not be agreed on by a postal vote.

Seven boss's former lover told unions off-limits

Former Seven West Media executive assistant Amber Harrison, whose affair with chief executive Tim Worner has seen the company in damage control for the past two months, was warned off talking to any trade union representatives about the circumstances of her departure as part of a deed agreed between the parties on her exit.

$1,000 individual fines for building workers

The Federal Court has imposed $1,000 individual penalties on 19 workers who stymied a concrete pour when they unlawfully walked off a Perth construction site.

BlueScope change consultation not fair, genuine: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has ordered BlueScope Steel to consult with a group of maintenance workers at its Port Kembla steelworks, after finding it failed to comply with the terms of a landmark 2015 enterprise agreement that reduced wages and reformed work practices to keep the plant open.