Protected action page 22 of 29

289 articles are classified in All Articles > Industrial action/disputes > Protected action

Rail "set back years" as dispute drags on

Protected industrial action at the Australian Rail Track Corporation is continuing ahead of workers voting on a management deal featuring annual pay rises of 2%, half the increase sought by unions.

Coles warehouse strikers win 4.75% increase

The NUW has won average pay increases of about 4.75% a year for 650 workers after a three-day strike at a major Victorian distribution centre for Coles supermarkets.

"Unlawful" NUW picket threatening food supplies: Coles

Coles has alleged the NUW is engaged in unlawful pickets at "contingency sites" established to distribute food to its Victorian stores after the start of indefinite strike at a key distribution centre.

Public sector mental health nurses escalate bans

Thousands of Victoria's public sector mental health nurses have this morning escalated protected industrial action to "expedite" negotiations for a new agreement, while in the private sector the ANMF is "strongly recommending" Healthscope nurses and midwives vote up a proposed deal.

FWC to terminate industrial action at Essential Energy

The FWC is finalising an order to terminate the ETU's industrial action at Essential Energy after it found the planned 80-hour strike would endanger the life, the personal safety or health of the population.

Essential Energy seeks suspension of 80-hour strike

Essential Energy is in the FWC seeking to suspend on safety grounds a planned 80-hour strike that starts across NSW tonight, while it has by-passed unions with a replacement agreement offer it is putting directly to its workforce.

Construction major wins order to halt further stoppages

Lend Lease has secured an order to prevent further industrial action at a strife-torn hospital construction site until the project's scheduled completion in August, but the FWC has stopped short of finding that the CFMEU and CEPU organised workers to walk off the job.

Qantas worker seeking anti-bullying order; and more

Qantas flight attendant seeks anti-bullying order; Federal Court grants Cash bid for Queensland Nickel special purpose liquidator; and 150-minute ballot gets FWC thumbs-up.