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289 articles are classified in All Articles > Industrial action/disputes > Protected action

FWC halts campaign of "coordinated" sickies

The FWC has issued a s418 order to stop 31 individual Orora Packaging employees taking unprotected industrial action in the form of "coordinated" personal leave that has shut down production lines.

Suspending action won't hasten new deal: FWC

An employer has failed to convince the FWC that suspending industrial action would improve the chances of reaching agreement before the business is transferred to a new owner.

FWC rejects DP World allegation of "go slow" on docks

The FWC has dismissed DP World's application for orders to halt an alleged "go slow" at its Melbourne container terminal, citing concerns over the statistical evidence tendered by the stevedore.

Employer wanted workers to give "100%" to strike: FWC

An employer has been labelled "disingenuous" and a union told it could struggle to explain its interest to members in the "curious" case of employees not paid for work performed when they returned to their jobs before the end of a protected strike.

Week-long rolling stoppages hit the docks

About 1800 waterfront workers have today begun a campaign of rolling strikes at DP World container terminals across Australia this week, after the MUA and stevedore failed to reach agreement on a new enterprise deal.

Commission took proper account of reduced bargaining power: Full court

An FWC member gave due recognition to the reduction of employees' bargaining power that would flow from him acceding to a DP World bid to extend notice for CFMMEU industrial action from three to five days, according to reasons issued by a full Federal Court today.

Telstra makes bad call on strike language

The FWC has rejected as "pedantic and technical" an attempt by Telstra to block industrial action it claimed was inconsistent with that endorsed by CEPU members.